My First Edmodo Quiz and some insight!!
I think I have a social networking problem (but I think I can call it work)!! My new love is Twitter and I have found a great group of librarians, teachers, and technology users that I follow (stalk) all the time!! @Barrowmc and @WESmediacenter are two of my favorites! @Barrowmc shared a Crowd-Source poem she was doing with her students. She created a Google form with sentence stems about the media center and had the students complete the sentences. Sounded like a lot of fun and a great way to get insight into what our students really think about the media center! I didn't use Google forms, but created a Quiz in edmodo and assigned it to the kids. They completed it today during computer class. The responses were predictable, funny, heartwarming, quirky, not-what I expected, and touching. The following are actual responses from my actual students! P.S.....if you want to follow me on twitter my name is @read...