
Stone Fox - Chapter 9

Just like on Monday, pick a word from the vocabulary envelope.    Find a reference in the text where that word is represented.    DO NOT USE THE SAME WORD AS MONDAY, AND DO NOT USE THE SAME ANSWER AS YOUR CLASSMATES!    Put it on the  padlet  for the correct chapter! So the race has begun, and Little Willy needs to win the race to save the farm. How do you think Little Willy is feeling as the race starts? Look at this  list  of character traits and pick one that best describes the feelings Little Willy has!  Put your answer on this  Padlet .  Give a reason why you picked the word you did. Use your headphones to listen to me read  Chapter 9 - The Race . In this book, the author John Reynolds Gardiner, uses a lot of figurative language. Find and example of each type below, and add to our  Figurative Language Padlet .  Be sure to put the page number on which you found it....

60 Second Videos - Science Vocabulary!

I have been reading Innovator's Mindset by George Couros. In the book, he explains how he taught an educator how to use twitter by having her watch a Twitter in 60 second video.  She was inspired to have her students create 60 second videos of their own to teach science concepts. I showed my 5th grade students the Mitosis in 60 Seconds videos I found on YouTube and explained to them that we would be making our own videos using Science Vocabulary! I learn so much from my students, and with a lot of trial and error using white boards, dry erase makers, and iPads to video, one student asked if they could use the Zing  Stikbot  Stop Motion app !  Genius!!!  So much easier for my young students! After a little more experimenting, my students created their own videos (not quite 60 seconds, but it is a work in progress)!  We will be using WeVideo and iMovie to edit and clean up our videos during next week's class! Let my students know what you think by le...

Lesson Brought to You by the Letter P (and Twitter!!!)

I saw this post by Tricia Fuglestad on Twitter !  She is an elementary school art teacher, and tech integrator extraordinaire!!!  I found lots of inspiration on her Twitter page and her Weebly! I was so inspired by her whirligigs, I had to do a lesson with my 4th graders!  We also have a Whirligig Park in our state, and we watched this video to explain to the students what a Whirligig is!  We just finished our Maker Faire, so they were intrigued by these moving contraptions! Wilson, NC Whriligig Park Tarheel Traveler Segment, WRAL By the end of today's lesson, we used our research skills, learned new science terms, reviewed polygons, and drew a plan for our own whirligig. I gave each team of two kids a card with a science term on it.  They had to research the term and come up with an animal that fit their category:  nocturnal, amphibian, reptile, a bird, a mammal, etc. Once they decided on an animal that fit their category, they had to dra...

The Most Magnificent Thing - Growth Mindset!

This is my favorite read-aloud of the year!!  I love the message Ashley Spire's portrays in her book The Most Magnificent Thing! It is a great book to teach children about having a growth mindset, and that mistakes are part of the process, and sometimes you have to try, try, and try again to be successful. After reading the book, I share this wonderful stop-motion animation of the book by students at Elmwood School.  That gives the students a second chance to hear the message. We then watch this video about  Ormie  and his attempt at getting a treat! We then compare and contrast the two main characters in the films!  (Tie in those reading skills) We talk about what message (moral/lesson ) the two stories were trying to teach us, and how we can use what we learned at school and in real life! Then using , I have students create posters with inspirational messages and ideas to show the growth mindset!

Mrs. Long Locked Her Lesson in her Toolbox! Can the students save the day??

Mrs. Long 'somehow' locked her lesson in her toolbox.  The students had to solve clues to help her get her lesson out and save her job!! This was a modified #breakoutedu activity! Using several re settable locks purchased through Amazon and Walmart, I created clues that helped the kids decipher the combinations. (These are some of the locks and hasp on Amazon.) I knew my Digital Safety lesson wasn't going to take my entire 45 minute block and I wanted the kids to be excited to find out what was in the box, so I created the clue activity to fill some of the class time. I created simple clues that could be solved in a matter of minutes.  Each table/group was responsible for deciphering one clue.  I gave one person at each table mardi gras beads, and they were the only person that was allowed to approach the box and attempt to open the locks.  (This saved my sanity and kept 25-30 kids from fighting over the locks and box!) My clues for this activity:...

We're All Wonders

I fell in love with Auggie in R.J. Palacio's Wonder !  Several of my teachers plan to share the novel with their classes this year as a read aloud!  I loved the message it sends to treat everyone with kindness! If you have the choice to choose between being right or being kind, choose kind! As soon as I saw the picture book We're all Wonders , by R.J. Palacio, I knew it was one I would share with my library classes!  The message was right on point,  that each one of us has something about us that makes us special and unique, that makes us a wonder! I used the book to talk about being ordinary, perceptions, and how we need to look at the inside of people before we jump to assumptions. We discussed how R.J. make the character exaggerated (hyperbole-tied some figurative language in there), and how boring life would be if we were all exactly the same! As a follow-up, I had kids think about what it was about them that make them unique.  We used Flipgri...

Technology Night - Digital Learning Day, 2/23/2017

Although our attendance numbers were low, Technology Night Was a huge success! Union Intermediate School students, staff, and administration came together to celebrate Digital Learning Day  Thursday, February 23rd. Teachers and students were excited to show our parents all the digital tools we are using this year to make Union Intermediate School 21st century ready! Following a hot dog (Bright Leaf of course) dinner cooked by our principal, parents and students visited a variety of stations set up around the school.  Parents got to see students demonstrate different learning programs, creative tools, and presentations that teachers have been using in the classrooms. Parents were shown how to access student grades and given instructions to sign up for Accelerated Reading Home Connect Program. If you missed our event, here are links to the programs and resources we used! Power School Parent Portal   (Contact Glenda Estrada for student access codes) Accelerat...