Stone Fox - Chapter 9

Just like on Monday, pick a word from the vocabulary envelope. Find a reference in the text where that word is represented. DO NOT USE THE SAME WORD AS MONDAY, AND DO NOT USE THE SAME ANSWER AS YOUR CLASSMATES! Put it on the padlet for the correct chapter! So the race has begun, and Little Willy needs to win the race to save the farm. How do you think Little Willy is feeling as the race starts? Look at this list of character traits and pick one that best describes the feelings Little Willy has! Put your answer on this Padlet . Give a reason why you picked the word you did. Use your headphones to listen to me read Chapter 9 - The Race . In this book, the author John Reynolds Gardiner, uses a lot of figurative language. Find and example of each type below, and add to our Figurative Language Padlet . Be sure to put the page number on which you found it....