60 Second Videos - Science Vocabulary!

I have been reading Innovator's Mindset by George Couros. In the book, he explains how he taught an educator how to use twitter by having her watch a Twitter in 60 second video.  She was inspired to have her students create 60 second videos of their own to teach science concepts.

I showed my 5th grade students the Mitosis in 60 Seconds videos I found on YouTube and explained to them that we would be making our own videos using Science Vocabulary!

I learn so much from my students, and with a lot of trial and error using white boards, dry erase makers, and iPads to video, one student asked if they could use the Zing Stikbot  Stop Motion app!  Genius!!!  So much easier for my young students!

After a little more experimenting, my students created their own videos (not quite 60 seconds, but it is a work in progress)!  We will be using WeVideo and iMovie to edit and clean up our videos during next week's class!

Let my students know what you think by leaving a comment below!  These are our first drafts so keep that in mind!  Thanks for looking!

Anemometer in 60 Seconds

Gravity in Less Than 30 Seconds!

Air Pressure in 60 Seconds!


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