
Showing posts from 2016

Kenn Nesbitt SKYPE, was up to the HYPE!!!!

We had the best time today SKYPEing with Kenn Nesbitt today!  The kids had so much fun, and Kenn was so engaging and entertaining. Kenn talked with the kids about writing, figurative language, and inspiration - write about things you see! Kenn helped each group start an original poem and assigned homework for each student to add a stanza to the poem.  I can't wait to see what they come up with! To schedule your own visit with Kenn which I highly recommend, check out his webpage . You still have time to order an autographed copy of one of Kenn's books, print out this order form and return to Mrs. Long by May 18th! 4th Grade My b unny makes b urgers. My m ouse makes m ac and cheese . My p uppy makes p izza. My p arakeet makes p eas .     I never eat their cooking. Not even on a dare . Because it’s always covered With slobber and hair . 5th Grade Football with French fries. Soccer with tacos . B aseball with b ananas. Nasca...

Poetry - Readying for Kenn Nesbitt SKYPE Visit!!

I missed doing poetry activities with the kids in April (poetry month) because of the time it took to write and publish our ABC books!  I had so much planned, Poem Mobiles: Crazy Car Poems  by J. Patrick Lewis, Fold Me a Poem  by Kristine O'Connell George, and our Kenn Nesbitt SKYPE! So, this week, we did a Poetry Scavenger Hunt using Ms. B's printable  (freebie here!)   I had kids visit Kenn Nesbitt's website, and read or listen to his poems.  While listening, they were looking for figurative language, rhyme patterns, and phrases and words that appealed to their senses.  They had so much fun!  Mr. Nesbitt writes on topics that are engaging and fun for the kids!  Can you say --Poetry Love!!! It was so inspiring to see kids sharing poems as they discovered them, and discussing figurative language, and talking about the "pictures" the poems were painting in their heads! We finished the lesson by using padlet to come up with questions to ...